Reading Time: 2 minutes
Image created by Gemini in response to the following prompt: Create a painting of the earth seen from space but covered with technology. Can you add lots of lights on the surface and satellites in the space around the planet?
“Cyberearth” by Jay Todd is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Xavier University of Louisiana’s Core Curriculum (X-Core) emphasizes Xavier’s tradition as a Catholic and historically Black institution and makes a critical contribution to the Liberal Arts idea that students should achieve both breadth and depth of knowledge. X-Core is the foundation of an introspective education and is required of all undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. It includes 40 credit hours across different areas, plus a Capstone Course within the major. X-Core transforms the undergraduate educational experience by exposing students to integrative approaches to learning and cultivating nuanced perspectives in contemplating responses to the major questions of their lives.

XCOR 3020, Engaging Global Issues (3 hours) challenges students to explore particular social, cultural, economic, or political issues of global significance, and reinforce critical thinking, as well as oral and written communication skills. Students learn to integrate diverse perspectives with a breadth and depth of knowledge, while also utilizing different, methodologies to find solutions to complex problems. Students choose from a variety of unique seminar topics developed by faculty and organized around different “big ideas.”
Prerequisite: Completed at least 60 hrs.

In Cyberpunk, the Post-Global & the Post-Human we will explore the multimodal genre of cyberpunk as a means of asking how humanist thought might need to adapt in the face of rapidly evolving technological and biological advances and crises. The global significance of cyberpunk narratives lies in their ability to explore the anxieties, aspirations, and ethical dilemmas created by an increasingly tech-driven world, while often set in megacities and superstates where traditional national boundaries have been erased, paralleling the posthuman project to erase the boundaries that separate the human from the non-human. Through this class, we will consider how fictional, cinematic, and musical examples of cyberpunk challenge the belief of the human as the center of moral consideration and allow us to consider a society free of human-imposed limitations. The class will incorporate a variety of digital humanities tools to enhance our studies and explorations.

The pages within this section of the website offer much offer greater details about the class:

  • What You Will Learn from this Class
  • What You Need to Take this Class
  • What You Need to Understand
  • What You Will Do for this Class
  • What Our Semester Will Look Like
  • What You Can Do to Succeed in this Class