AI or human thought?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

According to evolution, humans are becoming increasingly smarter and better able to tackle complicated problems. The human mind has persisted in questioning outdated beliefs and pushing the boundaries of what is considered impossible. AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is a significant invention of human intelligence. AI was once seen as simply a tool for human work. Recently, the rules of the game have shifted. The line between human and non-human characteristics is becoming less distinct, and artificial intelligence is playing a key role in this transformation.

AI is no longer just operating in the background; it is now taking on tasks that were previously exclusive to humans. Consider thisā€”virtual assistants such as Siri or Alexa, AI algorithms selecting our Netflix suggestions, and AI powering our vehicles. We used to view these duties as exclusive to humans. Now, machines are performing those tasks, and at times, they are doing them more effectively than we could have envisioned. The distinction between humans and machines is becoming increasingly blurred, causing us to reconsider the very definition of being human.

Over the last five years, AI has transformed from a fun gadget to an essential aspect of our everyday lives. AI is now being discussed by a wider audience beyond just tech enthusiasts. AI is employed for communicating with customer service, identifying medical conditions, and producing artwork. Our interaction with the world is evolving as AI becomes increasingly similar to us, or perhaps we are growing more similar to AI. This change is making us ponder the line between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. The previous guidelines no longer appear relevant, which is both thrilling and somewhat unnerving.

The shift is due to a combination of fast technological progress and societal shifts. Machine learning has become more intelligent, computers have become quicker, and there is now more data available. These factors have all come together to bring AI to the forefront. However, improvements in technology are not the only factor that drives this demand for more; people also desire greater convenience, efficiency, and solutions for complex issues. In a fast-paced world, AI provides a means to stay current, perhaps even take the lead. That is why we observe the line between human and non-human beginning to break down. In the futuristic world of cyberpunk, the blurred boundaries between humans and technology make the increasing presence of AI in our daily lives seem like a peek into tomorrow. The boundary is constantly changing, and we are still unsure of its ultimate destination. One thing is certain: the discussion on the essence of humanity has just started.

Artificial Reality

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A significant boundary that has shifted in the past five years, is the boundary between the digital and physical realities, particularly through the rise of the metaverse and virtual reality technology. There was a time before where the physical world was separate from the digital world and people interacted with one anotherĀ in real life. The only source of technological interactions were limited to screens and traditional media like the news. However, with the advancement of high-technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and the metaverse, this boundary is blurred. The metaverse is a virtual shared space, merging physical reality with virtual spaces. Companies like Facebook’s and Instagram’s, Meta, are investing in creating virtual worlds where people can interact, work, and socialize as digital avatars, making the digital world feel just as real as the real one. This shift is notable because it is not just about entertainment but it isĀ  reshaping how we work, socialize, and even our understanding of presence and identity. Several factors have driven this shift such as the COVID-19 pandemic with its acceleratedĀ  adoption of remote work and online interactions, highlighting the need for more immersive digital environments to replace physical presence. Technological advancements in todays’ society have made these experiences more accessible and realistic. Additionally, cultural shifts towards digital-first lifestyles, driven by Generation Z, have increased demand for more immersive and integrated digital spaces. This shift has extensive implications, not just for how we interact but also for how we perceive identity, privacy, and even reality itself, as the lines between our physical and digital selves become increasingly intertwined. The article listed below is a great read for those who have an interest and want to learn more about the above topic.

The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, and Who Will Build It:

Artificial Intelligence – Resembling Human Brain” byĀ deepakiqlectĀ is licensed underĀ CC BY-SA 2.0.

From Binary to Spectrum: A Look at how Gen Z Pushed Gender Boundaries

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The past decade has elicited monumental changes in gender and how it is perceived. Progressive attitudes towards gender and sexuality are more prevalent now than ever before. As the title of this post suggests, it was widely believed that gender was only a binary construct as opposed to the spectrum we use today. In addition to cisgender, there is transgender, nonbinary, agender, genderfluid, and even more ways for nonconforming individuals to identify with. The TIME Magazine article linked below explains how large the gap is between generations regarding views towards gender. In just 2021, Gen Z was the only generation in which a majority believed there are more than two genders and Gen Z is much more likely to identify as nonbinary or trans.

What I feel has prompted this massive shift in ideals is the maturation of the ā€œmost progressive generationā€ – Gen Z. Gen Z has proven that we wonā€™t take everything weā€™ve been taught at face value, especially Gen Z women. Offensive rhetoric in the media that was formerly accepted is now called out and the people responsible are being held accountable. We have LGBTQ+ peers and family members, so seeing attempts by politicians to make them illegal and outlaw gay marriage leads to a greater drive towards social justice. We also have more access to technology and resources that reveal how much needs to be fixed in our government and we have the means to go out and speak against it.

While people who identify outside of the gender binary have always existed, it has only recently become common to identify as such. Queer kids are now less likely to be forced to conform to one gender or another and can choose to identify as whoever they please. While there is certainly much more progress to be made regarding this matter, the impact Gen Z has had on widespread acceptance of those who are different is something to be marveled at.

TIME Magazine article:

Blurred Lines Between Work and Personal Time

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Employee working remotely. (My Digital Work, n.d.)

In past years, there were distinct lines between work and personal time. Work time was considered paid time spent working, while personal time was the unpaid time spent not working. With the advancement of technology, work time has begun to mix with personal time. Employees would take off or be given personal days for sick days, personal emergencies, buildings not being able to be occupied, or natural disasters. Now, employees are expected to work remotely when they used to get a personal day or get time off (Utomi, 2023). Advancement of technology has blurred the lines between work and personal time in another way. For most careers, there is a set time to work and during that time employees are paid. Most work would be saved for the next work day if it was not done. Now if employees do not complete their work during work hours, then employees are expected to take their work home to complete it during their personal time without being paid for this extra time. With this advancement of technology, people do not have to meet in person to work. People can work remotely from across the world with others if they would like. The problem with this is time zone differences. People may have to work during their personal time in order to meet with others remotely. There has been a shift from working only during work hours to working during personal time due to the advancement of technology. (Side note: Some careers do not have distinct lines between work and personal time, but in recent years the shift I discussed above has been applied to careers that can have distinct lines between work and personal time.)

I think the COVID-19 pandemic has played a role in the blurring of lines between work and personal time. Throughout 2020 many jobs had to be completed remotely. Once employers and employees realized remote work is possible and can be done, the shift began. Now more than ever work is being completed remotely during personal time.


Gaskell, A. (2020, May 11).Ā Is A Blurred Work-Life Balance The New Normal?Ā Forbes.

My Digital Work. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2024, fromĀ 

Utomi, T. (2023, August 21).Ā Has remote work killed the sick day?. HRPA.Ā 

Home, Office, or Both? Navigating the New Work-Life Boundary

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In recent years, the boundary between human and machine has become increasingly porous, a shift that reflects not only technological advancements but also profound changes in our cultural and ethical landscapes. The line between work and home life has significantly blurred, reshaping how we live, work, and interact. This shift, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has had profound implications for society, both positive and negative, and raises important questions about the future of work. 

Woman smiling at laptop.

Before 2020, the boundary between work and home was relatively clear. Most people commuted to an office, factory, or other workplace, leaving work behind at the end of the day when they returned home. However, the pandemic forced millions to work from home, turning kitchens, living rooms, and bedrooms into makeshift offices. What was initially seen as a temporary measure has evolved into a long-term shift, with many companies adopting remote or hybrid work models permanently. This blurring of work and home boundaries has changed the way we think about productivity, work-life balance, and personal space. The physical separation that once existed between work and personal life has diminished, leading to new challenges such as “Zoom fatigue,” increased stress from always being “on,” and difficulty disconnecting from work. At the same time, remote work has provided benefits, including more flexibility, reduced commute times, and the ability to work from anywhere. The rise of remote work has transformed how we interact with our jobs and our colleagues. With the advent of video conferencing, digital collaboration tools, and cloud-based systems, employees can now perform their tasks from virtually anywhere. This shift has not only made work more flexible but has also redefined the work-life balance, merging personal and professional spaces in ways weā€™ve never seen before.Ā The rise of digital communication tools like Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams has made it easier to work from anywhere, breaking down the need for a physical office space. The availability of cloud computing and collaboration software has further supported this transition.

Different types of social messaging applications that have been popular over the years.

As the boundary between work and home continues to evolve, it will be important to find new ways to manage this shift, ensuring that the benefits of flexibility do not come at the cost of our well-being and personal lives. The future of work may be more fluid, but it will also require careful consideration of how we maintain balance in a world where the lines are increasingly blurred.

Invasion of the AI Body Snatchers

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Robots sit next to a confused human as they prepare for work.

In more recent years, weā€™ve seen an increase in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Usage ranging from mundane tasks like organizing a shopping list to extraordinary things like being used in healthcare systems and helping with medical diagnosis. Although the use of technology can bring great change, it does create a cause of concern for many individuals. Many are worried about their invasion of privacy, that the common job will soon be replaced with AI or maybe even the world as we know it!Ā 

As someone who is still quite skeptical of AI, it does worry me that most private platforms use AI or incorporate it in some kind of way. Iā€™m not exactly sure what prompted this AI surge as it integrated with other forms of media, but if Iā€™m being honest, Iā€™m not a big fan. For example, AI has integrated itself into personal social media platforms or workspaces such as Google, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. I believe the shifting boundary began as AI was able to gain personal knowledge and invade privacy in a way thatā€™s so scary it often blurs the lines between whatā€™s humanly done and whatā€™s not. Recently, Iā€™ve seen a rise in ā€œAI coversā€ where songs use AI to replace the original singer’s voice with a model that sounds like another artist. In some cases it can be quite funny, however, in many instances it can be terrifying especially with the accuracy of the newly generated voice. To add on to this, I canā€™t count the number of times I’ve seen Deep Fake videos. Deep Fakes are AI crafted media where one person’s face is constructed onto another person’s body, they’re highly convincing yet entirely synthetic videos. AI-generated fake videos are becoming more common (and convincing). Hereā€™s why we should be worried written by Ian Sample, delves into the concept of Deep Fakes, its problem and how they can be spotted. It’s important to note that many AI Deep fakes are used for scams to deceive individuals.Ā Ā 

Combine Deep Fakes, AI voice generating programs and chatGPT with video synthesis and in about another year or so, you could be videoing, chatting, and working with a fully AI generated person and not even know it! This AI ā€œpersonā€ could get hired at the same company that you do and potentially work there for years without being detected. And before you know it the AI “person” has gained the skills and knowledge to move up the corporate ladder, become the boss, then the CEO, take over the company, hire more robots, fire all humans, declare war and cause the end for all mankind!! Ok, enough of the freaky horror movie talk, I try not to be too paranoid, but it really does make me wonder how much AI will seriously affect us in the near future.Ā 

Redefining the Game

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the last few years, the introduction of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology has started to shift how soccer is played and viewed. VAR helps referees make better decisions by reviewing video footage during games, which has changed some long standing rules and practices in the sport and especially in soccer.

The technological change in soccer

Back in the days, referees had the final say on the field, the decisions they made were the final decisions with no possibility of review during the game. Nowadays, with VAR, decisions on goals, penalties, and red cards can be checked and corrected if necessary. This means that what happens on the field can be reviewed by referees watching video from a different location. The use of VAR also affects how fans experience the game, as they often have to wait for video reviews during key moments, which disrupt the flow of the game.

The idea of VAR (Video Assistant Referee) first came about in 2010 with the Refereeing 2.0 project from The Royal Netherlands Football Association (KNVB). This project aimed to use technology to help referees make better and more accurate decisions during soccer games. The first official use of the VAR in soccer was the Ajax Amsterdam cup game in September 2016. Soccer is a fast-paced game, and referees can sometimes make mistakes in the heat of the situation. VAR uses video to review key decisions, helping to make the game fairer and more transparent. However, VAR has also sparked controversy because it can slow the game down and disrupt its flow, with some arguing that this diminishes the excitement of soccer. The VAR reflects our growing use of technology in everyday life and the demand from fans for more accurate and clear decisions in sports.

VAR is changing soccer by offering new methods for reviewing and correcting decisions, affecting how the game is played and how fans experience it. Although it aims to make the game fairer, it also introduces challenges, like stopping the game for reviews. While fans are frustrated by bad calls from referees, they often dislike the video assistant referee (VAR) even more. As technology advances, it’s important to strike a balance between enhancing accuracy and maintaining the smooth flow of the game.

Reproductive Boundaries

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One established boundary that has notably shifted in the past five years is the right to bodily autonomy, particularly in the context of reproductive rights. This boundary was originally solidified in 1973 with the landmark Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which granted women the constitutional right to access abortion under the 14th Amendment. This ruling set a significant precedent, ensuring that women across the United States had the legal right to make decisions about their reproductive health without excessive government interference. In the past five years another court case had dramatically shifted that boundary. Particularly with the Dobbs v Jackson 2022 decision to regulate abortion to individual states. Many states have since then implemented restrictive laws about abortion.  

This decision marked a significant shift in the legal landscape, undoing nearly 50 years of precedent. On a state legislature level, some states have implemented “trigger laws” that immediately banned abortion upon the overturning of Roe. This shift has led to significant changes in healthcare access, with some women having to travel out of state to access abortion services, or facing the prospect of unsafe, illegal procedures, or possible jail time. Socially the shift has influenced the broader cultural discourse around women’s rights, bodily autonomy, and the role of government in personal decisions.  

The Dobbs decision has ignited debates and activism on both sides of the issue, highlighting the contentious nature of abortion rights in the United States. One of the main things that I believe prompted this change is the long-term conservative political strategy, especially in the supreme court.  With abortion rights becoming a key issue dividing liberals and conservatives. The political landscape has enabled more extreme positions to gain traction, influence policy, and votes. Another reason this change occurred could be because of religious influences, with many religious groups advocating for more restrictive abortion laws based on their moral and ethical beliefs. A significant boundary shifted majorly in just under 50 years’ time and in this political climate more boundaries may shift as well.  

Gunners in the Pursuit of Happiness

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Gunner: for lack of better terms is a subgroup of students who are excessively driven in their pursuit of success that they disregard team work, over flaunt their achievements, and hoard opportunities from their peers. No one likes a gunner, but are they really to blame? Are their actions not just a direct response to the overly stimulated and competitive nature of out society? I think it starts with how success and happiness have molded into one entity instead of two different spheres of life.

In recent years, society dropped the idea that success and a happy, healthy life style are distinct aspirations that we should be striving for. Instead of leaving work at the office to spend time with family, the creation of technology has begun to to breakdown that barrier. The average cellphone is so crucial in the shift of work life balances because emails and work calls can now transcend the boundary of the office and invade the privacy of own’s home. In cooperation with technology, social media participates in pushing hustle culture forward by placing stigmas on people do not aspire to live the life of extreme stress and reward. Individuals are allowed to paint certain personas and images on the internet, where only their achievements and successes are shown. Of course, the responsibility of a social media user is to understand that a snippet of one’s life is not their entire story, but when everyone around you shows only success without failure in their life then people begin to feel pressured to achieve the same. As access to technology evolves, so too does academic performance. What was once considered genius is now the norm simply because we are able to use innovations to our advantage. Now we live in a world where great students are below expectation, and exceptional students are just ordinary; therefore, we created the perfect breeding ground for students/workers who believe they must prove their own self worth to a society that deems them worthless. At this point, is happiness even attainable if you are not the first in every aspect of your life? If happiness is an indicator of self worth and society is saying we are worth less, then societal recognitions is the key to happiness, which is also key to success, which is… on and on again.

Our society run on commodity, and it just so happens that our happiness and success are on the market too. Maybe if you work hard your whole life you will get a sale on the price of happiness. Happiness, an aspect that was once seen for its quality and experience, has now been quantified. I said before that I dislike gunners for their inability to cooperate and treasure the meaning to true camaraderie/team work, but I also feel like they are just trying to survive in a cut throat environment. Sad to say, but we live in a world where preying on other’s success will eventually bring you to the happiness we are taught to believe in. A type of happiness that’s not found in a lazy Sunday with your family, but a happiness that fuels the government that will not thank you for your sacrifices.

The ChatGPT Takeover

Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Kirby’s Foundation image depicting the potential roles AI will have in our lives in the future.

Five years ago, if you had asked students what online resources they use to assist them with their classwork, many students including myself would have said Wikipedia or a similar website. In todayā€™s day and age, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources, such as ChatGPT and Metaā€™s AI tool on Instagram, has surpassed the use of Wikipedia by students when they need quick information. In the past five years, the role of AI has shifted from experimental technology to one used daily by many people. At its inception, it was used by many people in advanced science fields or technology industries. The AI that was previously used had a narrow scope and could allow me to answer specific questions or provide specific information. Now, AI is easily accessible to anybody who has a cell phone. AI can also handle more complex tasks which allows them to be used in a variety of industries.Ā 

I believe this shift in the use of AI can be attributed to increasing technological advancements and a larger need for more answers to societal problems. The advancements in computer and phone technology over the past five years have allowed more AI models to be released faster and more accessible. These technological advancements have also allowed the AI systems to handle more complex tasks which makes them more useful for both people in industry and everyday use. Since we live in a fast-paced world, the need for AI systems that increase efficiency and productivity has increased. It helps industries efficiently complete repetitive tasks at a lower risk of error. AI is also beneficial for some personalized tasks as it can provide specific information based on what is inputted into the system. It is important to be aware of our increasing reliance on technology, specifically AI because it relates to the transhumanism and posthumanism discussion. Are we allowing AI to help us enhance ourselves as humans or are we viewing this new form of technology as potentially being able to get to the same level as us?