The Blurred Lines of Social Media

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Within the last five years, there has been a major shift in the parasocial relationships that exist between public figures or ā€˜celebertiesā€™ and their fanbases. Before social media, artists connected with their fan bases in a more formal fashion such as television appearances, concerts, meet and greets, andĀ  radio show appearances.There was a very limited direct connection between a celebrity and their fans which gave them room to curate an image of themselves that resonated with their targeted audience and allowed them to romanticize their persona and create parasocial relationships with them.Ā 

Now that social media is as widely used as it is, the connection between artist and fan has faced a major shift. Social media platforms such as Instagram,TikTok, and most specifially Twitter have been utilized by celebrities to grow their fanbases. Nicki Minaj is one example of a celebrity who interacts with their fanbase on a personal level. Artists such as Cardi B. go ā€œliveā€ on their social media pages which is another way that artists can directly interact with their fans. 

Social media has allowed celebrities to become more accessible. Many fans have taken to directly calling out to their favorite artists on social media platforms and in some cases, the artist will respond and interact with them. Celebrities have used social media as a way to increase engagement with their fans as a way to maintain relevance. While this has been good for both the celebrity and fans, the parasocial relationships that have been created have created a false sense of intimacy in which boundaries tend to be pushed. 

Celebrities who choose to engage with their fans on social platforms run the risk of interference in their private lives. Before social media, celebrities were able to establish certain boundaries that ensured their privacy and accessibility was protected. When social media became increasingly popular and fans became able to directly communicate with their favorite celebrities, many celebrities were made to feel vulnerable in the sense that fans felt that were entitled to their attention and access at any given time. 

I believe this major change occurred during the pandemic when social media was the main source of human contact for almost two years. In the early months of the pandemic, many artists took to social media and utilized their platforms to interact with their fans in ways such as digital concerts, Q&A sessions, and simply responding to social media posts. I believe that many celebrities saw this as a good thing due to the fact that fans were staying engaged with their content and it was keeping the public focus on them, however in a way it backfired when fans started to become entitled to receiving a response from their favorite celebrities when they saw how easy it was to get their attention. 


Reading Time: 2 minutes
This image symbolizes the kinds of posts users are influenced by.

In recent years, we’ve witnessed a rise in the use of social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and virtual reality games. Many individuals now use social media to portray the person they wish to be, rather than who they truly areā€”a phenomenon I refer to as “Faking It Til You Make It.” This shift became apparent as more users began showcasing their achievements or as celebrities started flaunting their lifestyles online. Originally, social media was intended to create a global space for connection, allowing people to explore new cultures and traditions. The idea was to share moments like a simple birthday post, where a user might post a picture with a caption like “It’s my birthday,” and their followers would like it and move on. However, today, social media has evolved into something far more complex, with some people struggling to distinguish between online personas and reality.

The line between physical and digital identity has become increasingly blurred, making the concept of “self” more fluid than ever. Social media isn’t the only place where new identities are crafted; video games also play a role. For instance, in the game SIMS, users create characters and dictate their life stories. Researchers suggest that the integration of information technologies into people’s social roles and relationships offers new insights into human behavior. They also explore how IT has become deeply embedded in social routines, shaping new expectations for how individuals perform roles and maintain social networks, ultimately influencing their self-conceptions.

As we live in an era where social media and gaming are endless tunnels of trendy aesthetics, I’ve observed how these platforms can impact relationships and even careers. Many people lose their sense of identity as they try to conform to the “digital” persona they’ve created, only to find that their real lives don’t align with this constructed image.

Tutor or Tutee?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The shift between being the tutor to being the tutee resembles the relationship between humans and non-humans. In the Cyberpunk genre, the boundary between humans and non-humans has gradually blended over time. This blend demonstrates the advancement of technology and this genre as a whole. 

As humans are the tutors and non-humans are the tutees, there comes a time when the tutee becomes the tutor. Since humans are the creators and teachers of non-humans, they equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to survive in the world. Non-humans absorb everything they are taught, but isnā€™t it natural to learn new things in everyday experiences? Yes, and that is where the blend begins, as non-humans begin to adapt to a humanist world, they begin to resemble humans. Here in this article, and-much-more/ the relationship between humans and non-humans are explored deeper.Ā

In this genre, non-humans are used to serve as a different version of humans, a more knowledgeable and equipped being made to help humans where they lack. In this case, the more help humans need, the more likely non-humans are going to resemble humans. This need for help from non-humans and the ability for them to interact with humans naturally is discussed more in detail in the following article, Going back to the analogy of the tutor and the tutee, one day the tutee does become the tutor, and in this case it is good, but when it is humans and non-humans, that can be scary. There have been many books, shows, and films that demonstrate the fear of non-humans taking over humans. As technology is advancing all over the world, it is a common fear to have, as more and more machines we use everyday are becoming more and more human-like. For example, there are cars that drive themself, programs that can have normal human conversations, and robotic vacuums that will clean the entire house. As these machines continue to advance and become human-like, humans begin to depend on them more and lose their human skills and knowledge; and that is where the tutee becomes the tutor.

A Day in the Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One boundary that has shifted greatly is the boundaries of culture. As the use of social media continues to grow worldwide, we see a change in the influence of all of those who use it. In the advent of platforms such as Twitter, Instagram (reels), and TikTok, individuals are able to share and connect with people across the world within seconds. These connections allow for individuals to view the norms and traditions of others with the tap of a finger. Recipes are shared, fashion is influenced, and even languages are changed. Through the access of social media, you are able to find people across the world using languages that originated from others. For example, the term “gyat” being used by individuals of all races across the globe though it was a term that originated in the African American community. We see brands like Uniqlo which originated in japan grow and become more popular in other countries through advertisements on social media. This intercultural exchange is so seamless that many people do not even recognize it. In particular, this makes me think of recent events in which Twitter was banned in the country of Brazil. Many twitter users were surprised by how many accounts were run by Brazilian users without them even recognizing it until these users revealed that their accounts would no longer be active. With the exposure to users from so many different cultures, individuals no longer have to travel far to experience and be influenced by cultures that are not their own. Individuals are learning more about the culture of others and able to absorb this knowledge to use in their own daily lives. As cultures continue to spread through use of social media, it can only be presumed that one day in the far future, the cultures that once divided us as people from specific parts of the world will become far less distinguishable.

Cunning Takeover of AI

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One shifting boundary that has become prevalent in our society is human vs nonhumans more specifically the use of AI. AI is also known as Artificial Intelligence, the use of AI has helped facilitate business and simple life practices by simplifying complex problems and allowing for a more easier way to resolve issues. One specific form of AI that I have seen most recently is ChatGPT. Thanks to Covid school was moved online which made students lazy and unmotivated to try and interact with their courses which resulted in them using ChatGPT. ChatGPT was the perfect example of how AI made life simple. You would type your question in the chat box and wallah you were given a productive response that sounded scholarly. It also took about fifteen seconds or less to formulate a response. However, because this use of ChatGPT was through the roof it shifted professors’ perspective of their students in the classroom. ChatGPT has caused teachers to use more secure and rigorous ways to detect AI, because their students don’t want to learn anymore, leading them to change their lesson plans so they can avoid cheating and plagiarism. Therefore, while AI has managed to make our lives easier, it has made students lack a creative response and drive to solve problems or write essays in their distinct way. Moreover, another example of AI I have seen is automation in grocery stores. When I go to the grocery store I see fewer humans to help me check out and more self-checkout machines. There comes to a point where yes, this machine is helping make these companies more money. However, it becomes more prominent every day that these machines are taking away simple jobs that help people in our society stay afloat. To conclude we have made these different forms of technology to solve our problems and reduce any further confusion while making big corporations rich. However, these advancements also come with a cost which is putting most individuals without a job and making us less creative when it comes to expressing ourselves. 

A Redefined Reality

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Figure 1
Figure 1: “After all, we are all human beings, and not creatures of infinite possibilities.” By Robertson Davies

The collapse of the boundaries between human and nonhuman (digital) identities is one of the major ways that we can see the world take a cyberpunk standpoint. The cyberpunk genre exposes the audience to an adventurous aesthetic vision of the future. The boundary between the distinction of human and non-human (AI). Over the years, we have been exposed to a new form of advanced technology that can potentially take over the world in some circumstances. Technology has the ability to keep growing with the help of society and humans itself. The rise of technology has empowered people to explore the different aspects of what technology can bring to the environment. Technology influences are pleasant to have for certain terms but for the distinction of a human versus a ā€œreplicant,ā€ society is failing in its use of advanced technology. Furthermore, the constant technological advancements have allowed for this change to accelerate over time. The advantages that AI has to offer will constantly lead people in because AI can do things for people thatā€™ll take away the extra duty or stress.Ā 

Something that has affected everyone and pushed them towards a more digital face is, COVID-19. The virus put the world on lockdown, and people were technically forced to stay inside and be stuck on their digital devices to find entertainment. In addition, the lockdown forced social distancing, so people weren’t as interactive with the real society; this led to an increase in the digital/non-human world. 

This leaves wondering questions. ā€œWill we need to prove that we are human in the future?ā€ ā€œWhat does this actually mean for the future? Will robots eventually take over?ā€ These questions are not only questions. They are scientific uncertainties based on what we are faced with in today’s world, and having the thought behind our heads that cyberpunk expresses this unpublished society. 

The photo that contains the quote, ” After all, we are human beings and not creatures of infinite possibilities.” This quote stands out in the fact it differentiiates the human from a non human aspects, like artificial intelligence and AI. It undermines the fact that although there are technology advancements, humans remain limited; humans will always be distinct from a non-human entity.

We look forward to the future every day and the future is always ahead of us, but it is something that we are creating everyday, with one technology advantage at a time.Ā 

The Boundary Between AI and Humans

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The boundary between human and non-human entities has significantly blurred in the past five years, particularly due to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. AI’s capabilities have expanded beyond simple tasks to those requiring more sophisticated, human-like decision-making and interaction. According to NDTV, “Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks.” This progression has transformed AI from a behind-the-scenes technology into an active participant in human culture, creativity, and social media.

Furthermore, AI has moved from the realm of speculative fiction to a commonplace technology impacting various industries. As noted by Forbes, ā€œAI has become a conversation topic at the dinner table, an emerging technology as inspiring as it is frightening, and created a very real question: What now?ā€ This highlights how AI has evolved from a futuristic concept to a present reality, influencing sectors from marketing to healthcare (Foodman, 2024). Today, chatbots enhanced by generative AI are becoming so reliable and human-like that it is challenging to differentiate them from real humans, a clear sign of the collapsing boundaries between human and machine intelligence (Foodman, 2024).

The boundary shift is most evident in AI’s integration into everyday social and cultural environments. Virtual influencers collaborate with real-world brands, celebrities, and audiences, influencing trends and opinions. AIā€™s evolution now allows it to “converse with users and offer solutions to their problems,” as highlighted by NDTV, further demonstrating its deepening role in human society. Advances in AI are enabling researchers to sift through enormous amounts of data to understand everything from galaxies to developing vaccines, which were critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. These advancements, as described by Forbes, illustrate the immense impact of AI in the modern world.

The drivers behind this shift are both technological and cultural. Technologically, advancements in AI have led to more sophisticated machine learning models that can process vast amounts of data and recognize complex patterns, making them more adaptable and capable of learning in human-like ways. Significant investments from tech giants and growing public interest have spurred this rapid development. As NDTV notes, AI “can be used to develop new drugs, optimize global supply chains, and create exciting new art,” which illustrates its expanding capabilities across various sectors. Cultural openness to AIā€™s integration has also grown, particularly among younger generations who are more accepting of digital and virtual experiences.

However, the integration of AI into human environments does come with risks. AI technologies “have at times resulted in what scientists call ‘hallucination,’ which means the AI created entirely different information than the correct factual information,” as Forbes explains. This unpredictability, combined with the possibility of AI generating misleading or incorrect data, raises concerns about the ethical and practical implications of AI in decision-making roles (Foodman, 2024). Furthermore, the increasing use of AI “raises concerns about heightened job loss, widespread disinformation, and loss of privacy,” as NDTV points out, suggesting that the benefits of AI should be carefully balanced with its potential dangers.

The collapsing boundary between human and non-human due to AI advancements presents both opportunities and challenges. As AI grows more sophisticated, we must navigate the ethical, social, and practical implications of sharing our world with intelligent machines. The convergence of AI with other technologies like quantum computing could further blur these boundaries, fundamentally changing how we interact with computers and machines, necessitating a thorough understanding and cautious approach to ensure AI is used positively and predictably (Foodman, 2024).

Works Cited

Foodman, J. (2024, August 13). Council post: Artificial Intelligence is changing the world and your business. Forbes.

Sukheja, B. (2024, June 1). What is AI, why it matters, and how itā€™s changing the world? everything to know. 

Shifting boundaries

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One specific example of an established boundary that has begun to shift is the distinction between genders. This is a boundary that most of my elders did not expect to change, but gender labels have become ambiguous and a very sensitive topic. The once established boundary between men and women identifying as cisgender, has gained many more labels including transgender, agender, and nonbinary. 

Although the gender identity boundary has shifted way further back than 5 years ago, being only in my early 20s, I hadn’t become familiar with this shift up until the last 5 years or so. People are openly expressing new gender identities that are much more fluid and inclusive, as opposed to the binary man and woman genders.

As far as what prompted this change, I believe that it can be accredited to the progressiveness of generation Z and the Millennials. Older generations are accustomed to more traditional states of mind and find it harder to adjust to new ways of living. This change has also come about through more media representation, legal advancements, and advocacy of members of the LGBTQ+ community. 

The fluidity of gender has been demonstrated on television, in literature, and in art. This has normalized the broad definition of gender. Legal advancements have supported the shift of gender identity, giving different gender identities the opportunity to be represented under labels under the standard male or female. Lastly, activism has contributed to the shift of gender identity gaining otherwise unattainable visibility to those who identify other than male or female. 

In conclusion, the distinction between genders is an established boundary that has shifted. The differentiations have expanded further than male and female. This shift is owed to the progressive newer generations with their media influence, legal advancements, and their advocacy. With these contributions to the shift, I would not be surprised if shifting any further. 

Engaging the disengaged

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Art from an WSJ article ā€˜Can we Save Our children from Smartphonesā€™ depicting childrenā€™s attachment to their devices

Boundaries shift based on your life experience. I believe for every season of your life there is something new and different that you modify about yourself. You as a person are constantly evolving. In my generation technology plays a huge role. I recall being in Kindergarten having to take a computer course that taught me how to type and the fundamentals of a computer. For instance, how to use all of the different Pc applications.Ā 

One example of an establish boundary that Iā€™ve shifted towards is my boundary with technology as a whole. These days, you can almost find out everything about someone based on their social media presence. I donā€™t want to be that ā€œone stereotypical personā€ but in all honesty I feel like the internet has done irreparable damage to my generation. I feel like its too pervasive.

I was prompted to make this change based on being in Quarantine. At a time where my anxiety was at an all time high and I spent my days endlessly scrolling on the interweb. I thought how can I be more productive? As corny as it seems I went on a walk, in an effort to break from my constant immersion in technology. On this walk I decided to not take my earbuds and just walk listening to nature. My earbuds are like my emotional support crutches. They force me into an imaginary bubble. I hated how anti-social I had became. During the walk in my suburban dallas neighborhood I saw the usual things like trees, grass, and birds. But I also noticed something,Ā  a stark contrast. As I was walking I came across people my age and some older people. Most of the people my age were out walking their pets with their faces were glued to their phones. They might have looked up occasionally to check their path/walk across the street. And the older people were way more engaged ā€œliving in the momentā€ and even spoke greetings. From then on I made the decision to live my life more ā€œengagedā€. While technology has it benefits, I realized that the overuse can be disengaging.

Blurred Ethical Lines

Reading Time: 2 minutes
How Period-Tracking Apps Are Monetizing Women's Extremely Personal Data - Bloomberg
How Period-Tracking Apps Are Monetizing Women’s Extremely Personal Data – Bloomberg