Shifting boundaries

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One specific example of an established boundary that has begun to shift is the distinction between genders. This is a boundary that most of my elders did not expect to change, but gender labels have become ambiguous and a very sensitive topic. The once established boundary between men and women identifying as cisgender, has gained many more labels including transgender, agender, and nonbinary. 

Although the gender identity boundary has shifted way further back than 5 years ago, being only in my early 20s, I hadn’t become familiar with this shift up until the last 5 years or so. People are openly expressing new gender identities that are much more fluid and inclusive, as opposed to the binary man and woman genders.

As far as what prompted this change, I believe that it can be accredited to the progressiveness of generation Z and the Millennials. Older generations are accustomed to more traditional states of mind and find it harder to adjust to new ways of living. This change has also come about through more media representation, legal advancements, and advocacy of members of the LGBTQ+ community. 

The fluidity of gender has been demonstrated on television, in literature, and in art. This has normalized the broad definition of gender. Legal advancements have supported the shift of gender identity, giving different gender identities the opportunity to be represented under labels under the standard male or female. Lastly, activism has contributed to the shift of gender identity gaining otherwise unattainable visibility to those who identify other than male or female. 

In conclusion, the distinction between genders is an established boundary that has shifted. The differentiations have expanded further than male and female. This shift is owed to the progressive newer generations with their media influence, legal advancements, and their advocacy. With these contributions to the shift, I would not be surprised if shifting any further. 

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