I’ve seen things Blog Post…

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Within in the past five years a boundary that has continued to blur is the boundary between human and non-human relationships has significantly blurred, particularly the rise of AI as a companionship. Traditionally, relationships were exclusive to humans interacting but with the recent advancement in AI technology, that distinction is dissolving rapidly. AI entities, once seen strictly as a resource, is now designed to stimulate meaningful human connections. Virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, Google, and Chatbots like ChatGPT, are becoming more advanced and sophisticated, engaging users as an AI friend. These AI’s are capable to provide emotional support, advice, and companionship. Some users have even reported preferring the AI over human connections which shows how AI is starting to be integrated into personal lives. This shift was accelerated over the Pandemic when we were isolated for long periods at a time. Advances in natural language processing and machine learning have made these AI companions more capable of simulating empathy, understanding context, and fostering deeper connections. ALongside these technological advancements comes with societal acceptance of these tech-based relationships. As AI continues to evolve the boundary between human and non-human interaction is becoming increasingly fluid, offering new possibilities for companionship but also raising ethical questions about the future of human connection and what is means to form genuine relationships in a digital age.

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