My Body Is Not Mine – Women’s Reproductive Rights

Reading Time: 2 minutes

For this topic, the shifting boundary that I’d like to focus on is the change in Women’s reproductive rights and health. As we’ve seen in the past, we know that this country has not been very open or accepting of Women’s productive health and has kept very conservative views. In the 70’s, the case of Roe V. Wade allowed women to have abortions which was one way that women had control of their health and wellness. Recently in 2022, the case was overturned which not only didn’t allow women to have abortions but also made it illegal for women to get them and for doctors to administer them in specific states. Many women, girls, and doctors have been persecuted by the legal system just for exercising or helping achieve a right that was taken away. This shifting boundary is also very problematic in the sense that women are restricted even if they are trying to have abortions for specifc reasons such as having miscarriages but still having to carry them to term, the child not being able to survive, even cases of r*pe or sexual assault, etc.

To me, I believe what has prompted this change is that not only are people in power trying to make the country go back to a conservative construct but also to control the people in as many ways as they can. Certain ideals and issues have been brought up that only prove that certain people want to country to de-evolve rather than evolve from where we are now. How are women losing their reproductive rights almost 50 years later if we are an ever-changing country that literally preaches doing better for its own people? Concepts such as Project 2025 show that the people of this country are not valued and are seen less as people and more as subjects who are supposed to obey every backward law and rule.

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