Cunning Takeover of AI

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One shifting boundary that has become prevalent in our society is human vs nonhumans more specifically the use of AI. AI is also known as Artificial Intelligence, the use of AI has helped facilitate business and simple life practices by simplifying complex problems and allowing for a more easier way to resolve issues. One specific form of AI that I have seen most recently is ChatGPT. Thanks to Covid school was moved online which made students lazy and unmotivated to try and interact with their courses which resulted in them using ChatGPT. ChatGPT was the perfect example of how AI made life simple. You would type your question in the chat box and wallah you were given a productive response that sounded scholarly. It also took about fifteen seconds or less to formulate a response. However, because this use of ChatGPT was through the roof it shifted professors’ perspective of their students in the classroom. ChatGPT has caused teachers to use more secure and rigorous ways to detect AI, because their students don’t want to learn anymore, leading them to change their lesson plans so they can avoid cheating and plagiarism. Therefore, while AI has managed to make our lives easier, it has made students lack a creative response and drive to solve problems or write essays in their distinct way. Moreover, another example of AI I have seen is automation in grocery stores. When I go to the grocery store I see fewer humans to help me check out and more self-checkout machines. There comes to a point where yes, this machine is helping make these companies more money. However, it becomes more prominent every day that these machines are taking away simple jobs that help people in our society stay afloat. To conclude we have made these different forms of technology to solve our problems and reduce any further confusion while making big corporations rich. However, these advancements also come with a cost which is putting most individuals without a job and making us less creative when it comes to expressing ourselves. 

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