Humans Vs AI a concept that we contemplate daily. As I think about the future of human augmentation and what it makes look like in my lifetime I’m torn. On the one hand, I’m excited for the new possibilities’ technology would bring about. On the other hand, I have cause for concern for the loss of humanity. It was a time when enhanced physical abilities were things produced in movies and now, they happen. There are endless possiblities when it comes to technology. But this begs the question how far do we take it? What does it mean to be human? How far should alterations go?
Personally, I’d be open to some of these changes, but only if they align with who I am and what I value. For example, enhanced prosthetics could make everyday tasks easier, especially for people with disabilities. These technologies could help us push past natural limitations and open new ways to experience the world. I’d also consider mental and physical improvement of memory or learning speed in the elderly. I might also be interested in augmentations that improve physical endurance or reduce wear and tear on my body as I age. These kinds of enhancements improve the quality of life and have the power to change many lives.
Although I am comfortable with some adaptations there are some things I wouldn’t be ok with. For instance, any modifications that are driven by superficial reasons, like achieving a “perfect” version of myself. These kinds of changes seem to prioritize societal standards over individuality and could lead to a loss of what makes humans unique. I’d also draw the line at technologies that compromise anyone’s personal freedoms. Any technology that is created with the intention to oppress others wouldn’t be accepted either. Also, anything that the majority of people couldn’t have access to because of economics and status. The idea of a world where augmentations are required to succeed, leaving those who don’t have the means behind, is something I’d be strongly against. In the end, I believe that human augmentation has the potential to change lives and the world, but only if its used as a tool and maintains humanity and individuality.
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