If I had the opportunity to hybridize with any animal, I would choose an elephant. Elephants are known for their intelligence and compassion which are two qualities that could enhance my current self. By merging my current intelligence with that of an elephant, I will have enhanced memory and problem-solving skills. This would allow me to not only be able to use my memory skills for school and in my future career as a physician, but I would also be able to solve real-world problems more easily. Elephants are also known for their emotional intelligence and connections with their families. This would translate to my increased empathy and compassion in my daily interactions with people and would encourage me to serve my community more to help those in need. This would also help me build stronger, long lasting relationships that are rooted in love and acceptance. Less importantly to me, I would have increased sensory perception of the world. I would be constantly aware of my surroundings and any impending dangers. The hybridization would be limited to the cognitive and emotional aspects. I would maintain my physical human form and the other qualities I have that make me me. I would be able to keep my individuality while also enhancing my intelligence and emotional IQ. I would be willing to give up the individualism I demonstrate sometimes. I would be able to prioritize collaboration over self-benefit. I believe this would not cause me to lose myself, but I would have a stronger focus on others over myself. My hybridization with an elephant would enhance my personal qualities and turn my focus to empathy and community. It would also deepen my respect for organisms outside of myself. This truly would allow me to have the best of both worlds and become a better human to my community.
The Elephuman Experience
Reading Time: 2 minutes
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