Paws and Hands: Meow!

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If I had the opportunity to hybridize an animal, I would choose a cat. You may wonder why a meow? Cats are known for their independence and ability to use their heightened senses. Side note: I grew up around different animals my whole life, and I currently have six cats right now. Cats embody the perfect mix of moving effortlessly throughout the world. The qualities of a cat that resonate with me as a person are calm, relaxed, and curious.

I would love to have the ability to have a cat’s enhanced senses. My senses are ok. With a cat’s vision and sensitive hearing,I could accomplish so many things. I feel that I would have a better “eye” for my surroundings and be very cautious. Even with the cat’s hearing, I could sense movements from distances away. I think this would allow me to have a greater, deeper connection with the world.

If I had the chance, I would also be willing to have the reflexes that a cat has. Cats are so quick with their reactions. Imagine having the ability to be as fast as a cat. I think it’s cool how cats can land on their feet no matter what the fall may look like. Imagine you’re about to trip or fall, and you land on your hands and feet without damage. This would give me a sense of control over my body since I wouldn’t have to technically worry about hurting myself so often.

Although, having these features of a cat are useful and compatible; there are many human features I would love to maintain. For example, my emotions and relationships are powerful. I feel that I would still want to have the ability to express myself as a human can. Although cats are cool, I wouldn’t want to jeopardize my empathy and companionship as a human. Having the ability to communicate is such an important feature for me because I want to express myself; while being a cat, they don’t have the direct ability to talk using words, so I would find that difficult.

Overall, the blend of me with a cat gives me a deeper connection to the world and a sense of freedom while keeping my emotional intelligence as a human.

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