Humanity or Hybridization: Is the Gain Worth the Loss?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If I were given the chance to become a hybrid creature, I wouldn’t want to be one at all. Personally, I stand firmly against genetic modifications that are not necessary and especially one that raises ethical concerns about this. Furthermore, I do not find anything wrong with having a human body and being limited by our human capabilities. If we all arrived to be perfect then we would all die, as perfection does not exist. The arrogance and hubris that society would have to be steeped in to create something like this proves to me that I definitely would not trust any corporation to do even do a surgery of modification like that on my body

However, for the sake of a hypothetical, I think I would choose a bat. Bats are one of, if not the only, mammal that flies so I would still be a cross with a fellow mammal and be able to fly. In that case, I wouldn’t have to suffer through the New Orleans traffic (although I would assume other people would choose birds so maybe air traffic would exist? I am unsure.) Bats also use echolocation, which humans obviously dont. Humans only see visible light and due to our rods and cones, we are unable to visualize colors in the dark. However, because bats use ultrasound waves, echolocation allows them to see perfectly in the dark and would be amazing to utilize as a human, particularly because I would love to take more night photography. 

Little brown bat wing inspection” by USFWS Headquarters is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

My wishes would mostly end there, though. I am not fond of physical transformations and despite other cool things bats can do, at what point would I lose my humanity? Flying and using echolocation would mean that I would have to have wings and different eyes. Would I even recognize myself in the mirror? Are you still a human if you’re a hybrid? I do not know and I do not wish to find out. Also, bats are one of the most common animals to have rabies and that is almost 100% fatal. I am not fond of dying because I wanted to fly and see in the dark.

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