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Even if we have not yet reached the dystopian extremities portrayed in these science fiction novels, the trend of corporate power, especially in the technology industry, indicates that companies may soon start to resemble these made-up worlds. Serious ethical concerns are raised by their influence over labor markets, technology, and even governments. Unchecked, this trend may result in situations where corporations dominate not just economic systems but also the fundamentals of identity and human existence. Megacorporations like Google, Amazon, Meta, and OpenAI are becoming more and more like the tech giants in these stories. They create and manage vital components of technology that influence day-to-day living, like artificial intelligence ,data collection, and surveillance systems. Particularly in fields like automation, data privacy, and AI ethics, their innovation is frequently unrestrained by significant state restriction. For instance, the quick development of strong language models by OpenAI in the absence of a defined regulatory framework may be compared to the rise of sophisticated AIs in Neuromancer. Like the “pill funders” in Machine Hood, businesses are using biotechnology, automation, and artificial intelligence to create the nature of employment in the future. While some professionals already utilize performance enhancing medications and nootropics to cope with high-pressure situations, biotech businesses are investigating ways to improve human performance through genetic engineering and cybernetic implants. Similar to how fictional companies control people in Neuromancer and Blade Runner, surveillance capitalism is growing, as businesses make money off of personal information. Businesses like Google and Meta collect enormous volumes of personal data in order to shape customer behavior, which raises moral questions regarding privacy and individual liberty. The power of corporations in geopolitics is growing. Some examples are social media behemoths affecting elections and political conversations around the world, or multinational businesses like Pfizer and Moderna during the COVID-19 epidemic. Like the Tyrell Corporation in Blade Runner, these corporations occasionally function outside the purview of national governments.

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