Tutor or Tutee?

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The shift between being the tutor to being the tutee resembles the relationship between humans and non-humans. In the Cyberpunk genre, the boundary between humans and non-humans has gradually blended over time. This blend demonstrates the advancement of technology and this genre as a whole. 

As humans are the tutors and non-humans are the tutees, there comes a time when the tutee becomes the tutor. Since humans are the creators and teachers of non-humans, they equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to survive in the world. Non-humans absorb everything they are taught, but isn’t it natural to learn new things in everyday experiences? Yes, and that is where the blend begins, as non-humans begin to adapt to a humanist world, they begin to resemble humans. Here in this article, https://incyber.org/en/article/ex-machina-a-film-that-explores-the-intimate-relationships-between-humans-and-machines and-much-more/ the relationship between humans and non-humans are explored deeper. 


In this genre, non-humans are used to serve as a different version of humans, a more knowledgeable and equipped being made to help humans where they lack. In this case, the more help humans need, the more likely non-humans are going to resemble humans. This need for help from non-humans and the ability for them to interact with humans naturally is discussed more in detail in the following article, https://medium.com/@demzou.art/robots-why-do-we-need-To-make-them-look-like-us-research-theory-cce4913da44d. Going back to the analogy of the tutor and the tutee, one day the tutee does become the tutor, and in this case it is good, but when it is humans and non-humans, that can be scary. There have been many books, shows, and films that demonstrate the fear of non-humans taking over humans. As technology is advancing all over the world, it is a common fear to have, as more and more machines we use everyday are becoming more and more human-like. For example, there are cars that drive themself, programs that can have normal human conversations, and robotic vacuums that will clean the entire house. As these machines continue to advance and become human-like, humans begin to depend on them more and lose their human skills and knowledge; and that is where the tutee becomes the tutor.


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