The ChatGPT Takeover

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The Kirby’s Foundation image depicting the potential roles AI will have in our lives in the future.

Five years ago, if you had asked students what online resources they use to assist them with their classwork, many students including myself would have said Wikipedia or a similar website. In today’s day and age, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources, such as ChatGPT and Meta’s AI tool on Instagram, has surpassed the use of Wikipedia by students when they need quick information. In the past five years, the role of AI has shifted from experimental technology to one used daily by many people. At its inception, it was used by many people in advanced science fields or technology industries. The AI that was previously used had a narrow scope and could allow me to answer specific questions or provide specific information. Now, AI is easily accessible to anybody who has a cell phone. AI can also handle more complex tasks which allows them to be used in a variety of industries. 

I believe this shift in the use of AI can be attributed to increasing technological advancements and a larger need for more answers to societal problems. The advancements in computer and phone technology over the past five years have allowed more AI models to be released faster and more accessible. These technological advancements have also allowed the AI systems to handle more complex tasks which makes them more useful for both people in industry and everyday use. Since we live in a fast-paced world, the need for AI systems that increase efficiency and productivity has increased. It helps industries efficiently complete repetitive tasks at a lower risk of error. AI is also beneficial for some personalized tasks as it can provide specific information based on what is inputted into the system. It is important to be aware of our increasing reliance on technology, specifically AI because it relates to the transhumanism and posthumanism discussion. Are we allowing AI to help us enhance ourselves as humans or are we viewing this new form of technology as potentially being able to get to the same level as us?

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