Artificial Reality

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A significant boundary that has shifted in the past five years, is the boundary between the digital and physical realities, particularly through the rise of the metaverse and virtual reality technology. There was a time before where the physical world was separate from the digital world and people interacted with one another in real life. The only source of technological interactions were limited to screens and traditional media like the news. However, with the advancement of high-technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and the metaverse, this boundary is blurred. The metaverse is a virtual shared space, merging physical reality with virtual spaces. Companies like Facebook’s and Instagram’s, Meta, are investing in creating virtual worlds where people can interact, work, and socialize as digital avatars, making the digital world feel just as real as the real one. This shift is notable because it is not just about entertainment but it is  reshaping how we work, socialize, and even our understanding of presence and identity. Several factors have driven this shift such as the COVID-19 pandemic with its accelerated  adoption of remote work and online interactions, highlighting the need for more immersive digital environments to replace physical presence. Technological advancements in todays’ society have made these experiences more accessible and realistic. Additionally, cultural shifts towards digital-first lifestyles, driven by Generation Z, have increased demand for more immersive and integrated digital spaces. This shift has extensive implications, not just for how we interact but also for how we perceive identity, privacy, and even reality itself, as the lines between our physical and digital selves become increasingly intertwined. The article listed below is a great read for those who have an interest and want to learn more about the above topic.

The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, and Who Will Build It:

Artificial Intelligence – Resembling Human Brain” by deepakiqlect is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

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