A Thousand Genders?!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A common theme of the cyberpunk genre is the disintegration of common cultural or political boundaries. In the past few years, we have seen a monumental shift when it comes to the boundary of gender. Growing up, all I remember being taught is that there are two genders: male and female. Now, things have drastically changed. When doing research for this post, the first question I researched was “how many genders are there?”, and I was shocked when the first result that popped up said 72! As I continued to research, I found an article from Teen Talk that explained the concept of gender identity. From the article I learned that gender identity is purely how someone chooses to view themself, and it is not based on their genitals. I also learned of a new gender term ‘two-spirit’, in which a person is not limited to just one gender and can walk back and forth between genders. This is an example of how our society has collapsed the boundary of gender. Before, gender was based on anatomy, now, it is based upon how the individual chooses to identify. This aligns with some of the views of humanism because people now have the right to choose their gender in order to do whatever makes them happy and give them the best life experience possible. I believe that this shift of the gender boundary is the product of our society’s attempt to become more inclusive. In order to make as much of the population as possible feel respected and safe, we have done away with many established practices. For example, the airport in Kansas City, Missouri now has all-gender bathrooms that will allow travelers more privacy and security. They did this in order to increase both efficiency and inclusivity for all travelers (Kite, 2019). 

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