A Day in the Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One boundary that has shifted greatly is the boundaries of culture. As the use of social media continues to grow worldwide, we see a change in the influence of all of those who use it. In the advent of platforms such as Twitter, Instagram (reels), and TikTok, individuals are able to share and connect with people across the world within seconds. These connections allow for individuals to view the norms and traditions of others with the tap of a finger. Recipes are shared, fashion is influenced, and even languages are changed. Through the access of social media, you are able to find people across the world using languages that originated from others. For example, the term “gyat” being used by individuals of all races across the globe though it was a term that originated in the African American community. We see brands like Uniqlo which originated in japan grow and become more popular in other countries through advertisements on social media. This intercultural exchange is so seamless that many people do not even recognize it. In particular, this makes me think of recent events in which Twitter was banned in the country of Brazil. Many twitter users were surprised by how many accounts were run by Brazilian users without them even recognizing it until these users revealed that their accounts would no longer be active. With the exposure to users from so many different cultures, individuals no longer have to travel far to experience and be influenced by cultures that are not their own. Individuals are learning more about the culture of others and able to absorb this knowledge to use in their own daily lives. As cultures continue to spread through use of social media, it can only be presumed that one day in the far future, the cultures that once divided us as people from specific parts of the world will become far less distinguishable.


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